Showing posts with label Pacific. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pacific. Show all posts

19 June 2007

Recensione: Nagasaki Per Scelta o Per Forza, di Fred Olivi, ****

Fred Olivi in his B29

Oscurata per più di cinquant'anni dalla più nota missione dell'Enola Gay su Hiroshima e dalle poche e cattive informazioni diffuse e coperte da segreto militare, la missione del B29 Superfortress "Bockscar", compiuta il 9 agosto 1945 su Nagasaki, è rimasta fino a oggi quasi sconosciuta. Scritto dal copilota del "Bockscar", Luogotenente Colonnello Fred J. Olivi, italo-americano di prima generazione, "Nagasaki per scelta o per forza" rivela i veri dettagli legati alla Missione 16, le fasi segrete dell'addestramento e i dati sull'impiego di "Fat Man", la bomba atomica al plutonio tre volte più potente di quella all'uranio sganciata su Hiroshima pochi giorni prima.

Book Review: Decision At Nagasaki - The Mission That Almost Failed, by Fred Olivi ****

When they decided to leave Italy to find a better future in America, in 1905, Fred Olivi's parents surely could not imagine that their son would become famous forty years later for dropping the most powerful weapon in history on the far away Japanese Empire! This is a personal history more than war history. The personal history of one of the many million Italians who contributed to make America for what it is, both in peacetime and at war. Fred joined the Air Force and on 9 August 1945 was assigned as copilot to the "Bockscar", the B-20 bomber that was to undertake the second nuclear bombing in history, three days after that of Hiroshima.

14 June 2007

Book review: Shirley Baker and the King of Tonga (1971), by Noel Rutherford, *****

Old print of Tonga, click to view in larger size


Of all the Pacific island nations only Tonga has retained a degree of lasting political independence. It was Tupou I, the first king of Tonga, who established an internationally recognized nation. A shrewd and determined politician, he enlisted the aid of a rebellious Weslyan missionary. Noel Rutherford's book is an account of the life and times of this gruff, bewhiskered minister from London's East End, the Reverend Shirley Baker.  A curious character ofter at odds with hs peers, Baker's achievements, whether motivated by altruism or self-preservation, contributed greatly to the Tonga as we know it today. With an introduction by 'Eseta Fusitu'a. (from the book's back cover)


A passionate account of the life and work of a very atypical English missionary who arrived in Tonga in 1876 and spent years as trusted advisor to its first king. He identified with the country and learned the language. He also did more than most for the preservation of its independence and dignity. This was no easy task in the face of English and German interference in the last two decades of the XIX century. He ruffled many feathers and an assasination attempt nearly sent him to his grave. When he died in 1903 no one wanted to bury him, not even his own church, but the King flew his flag at half mast. Today, many Tongans believe they owe more for the preservation of their culture to this man than to any other.

07 January 2007

Recensione: Stranieri a Samoa (2006), di Ambrogio Borsani, *****


Dal Settecento ai giorni nostri molti spiriti inquieti si sono affidati all'idea di un Eden nascosto nelle isole del Pacifico, alimentando storie e leggende senza fine. Accade così, ad esempio, sulle isole Samoa, dove si avventurarono figure davvero straordinarie. Stevenson vi pose fine ai suoi inquieti spostamenti e mise su casa, abitando l'altrove che aveva sempre immaginato. Maugham vi giunse come agente segreto, ma in realtà intendeva spiare i segreti dell'animo umano. Schwob, infelice pellegrino delle lettere, vi portò a spasso le sue malattie. Ambrogio Borsani ha viaggiato attraverso le Samoa riportando queste storie cresciute come frutti prodigiosi in una lontana stagione di magie.


Borsani ci porta a Samoa in compagnia di tanti stranieri che ci sono passati nei decenni e secoli scorsi. Usando la formula già collaudata per il suo libro sulla Polinesia, egli fa parlare i suoi personaggi e ci fornisce il contesto storico, il tutto molto utile a capire di più di questo piccolo stato del Pacifico.

Alcuni di questi personaggi sono famosi, primo fra tutti forse Robert Louis Stevenson, la cui casa oggi è un museo e che è sepolto qui. Ma anche tanti altri perfetti sconosciuti che sono passati da qui, qualche volta ci sono rimasti per il resto della loro vita, e in ogni caso ci hanno lasciato testimonianze interessanti, a volte commoventi.

C'è anche Parenzo Caffarelli, un medico italiano andato a Samoa perché era il posto più povero del mondo. Si è sposato una samoana ma ora vive a Roma mentre lei è rimasta là e gestisce un albergo. I figli sono un po' qui e un po' lì.

Bella questa frase di Borsani, che condivido appieno e che rende bene l'atmosfera che si respira su un isola lontano dal mondo. Me lo immagino mentre la scrive nella sua camera d'albergo a Samoa, di notte: «L'alba è il tempo rubato all'uomo, il tempo degli altri. Bisogna andare, correre, fare, rispondere alle necessità della vita. Il mattino trascina verso l'ufficio, verso gli appuntamenti, verso la fabbrica, verso gli interessi dei altri. Il tramonto segna l'inizio del tempo privato, il tempo della vita, il tempo del ritorno ai propri interessi, del rientro in se stessi.»

Puoi leggere qui la mia recensione di un analogo libro dello stesso autore sulle isole Marchesi della Polinesia francese.

26 July 2004

Itinerario viaggio in Polinesia francese 27 LUG / 30 AGO 2004

Viaggio in Polinesia francese 27 Luglio / 28 Agosto 2004

clicca su una data o un itinerario per andare al relativo post

Los Angeles
Bora Bora
Bora Bora
Bora Bora
Noku Hiva
Noku Hiva
Noku Hiva
Hiva Oa
Hiva Oa
Hiva Oa
Hiva Oa
Ua Pou
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
volo per New York e coincidenza per l'Europa

07 July 2004

Recensione: Addio Eden(2002), di Ambrogio Borsani, *****


Ambrogio Borsani è andato alle isole Marchesi per ricostruire la storia di grandi anime alla deriva nei Mari del Sud. Il viaggio è un racconto appassionante che sovrappone storie passate e vicende contemporanee. Eroi indigeni, grandi navigatori, conquistatori spietati, balenieri in fuga e avventurieri in cerca dell'impossibile, della felicità qui e ora. Tutti si muovono su scenari di sconvolgente bellezza, dove la natura parla ancora il linguaggio delle origini dell'uomo.

01 August 2001

Book Review: In Harm's Way: The Sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis and the Extraordinary Story of Its Survivors (2001), by Doug Stanton, *****


The USS Indianapolis was the last ship sunk during the Second World War. Savaged by a salvo of torpedoes from a Japanese submarine, the warship, one of the fastest in the US Navy, sank in a matter of minutes. One thousand two hundred men went into the water, and only 321 were to survive. This is their story. On 30 July 1945 the Indianapolis was returning from the small island of Tinian, having delivered the components of the atom bomb ‘little boy’, which was to decimate Hiroshima and bring on the end of the war. As the torpedoes ripped into the side of the ship hundreds of men were killed. Those lucky enough to survive were to face extremes of physical and mental hardship in the water. Many were left to float in the ocean with little or no food or drinking water in deteriorating life jackets and, most chillingly of all, open to attacks by sharks...

01 September 1996

Book Review/Recensione: I was Amelia Earhart, by Jane Mendelsohn, ****

Recensione in italiano di seguito

From the New York Times, 3 July 1937


A fictitious account of Amelia Earhart's last flight, with flashbacks to her childhood and difficult marriage. Amelia and her raffish, drunken navigator, Noonan, crash-land on a desert island. They fight, touch madness and finally fall in love, before taking off again on only half a tank of petrol.

30 June 1994

The Storyboards of Palau

While in Micronesia and Palau I bought some woodcarvings. The most important among them is a Palauan storyboard. These are high quality works of art made by local artists on hard wood, and their subjects are local legends, more legends are here.

The storyboard I bought tells the legend of Osile Ra Ulong, which I report below as taken from the National Palau Museum website.

Osilek was the chief of Ulong. Very wealthy, he was known to have the biggest fish net in all of Palau. People envied him for his fast canoes, his many servants, and his wealth. Every mother wanted him for a son-in-law. One day, he fell in love with a beautiful young lady named Oreng, but she was already in love with young Ngiramariar, a poor fellow from her village. As traditions dictated that marriages were to be arranged, Oreng was forced to marry Osilek when he proposed. Her mother said, "Oreng, don't you want to marry rich Osilek and give your family a happier life?" So Oreng did as her mother decided. However, poor Ngiramariar was heartbroken when he became aware of the situation.

Oreng went to live with her new husband on his island. One day, a sad and lonely Oreng went on a walk around the beaches of the island, then saw a coconut cup with oil floating toward her. This was a sign that her sweetheart was either sick or dead, and she immediately started plans to get back to her village and see Ngiramariar. She told her husband that she wanted to go to visit her parents and her husband approved.

On her arrival, she heard that Ngiramariar was dead so she went straight to the house where the funeral was held. She asked the family if she could see Ngiramariar under his death blanket to say her farewells and present him with her gifts. Permission was granted, but as she took a long time to do so, the family asked someone to check Oreng. They found her embracing Ngiramariar, but she was already dead.

A messenger was immediately dispatched to Osilek with the sad news. Osilek was sitting on his cliff lookout point and saw the canoe coming in a hurry. He immediately knew that his beloved Oreng was dead. He cursed and stomped his feet so hard that he lost his balance and fell into the sea and turned to stone. People still say that this particular stone can still be seen on a visit to the island.

My very own storyboard from Palau

21 June 1994

Dive n. 209: Kensho Maru, Chuuk Lagoon, 31m, 40'

Click on the drawing to enlarge
I did this dive alone with my guide Johnny, a local Chuukese who knows this wreck like the back of his hand. He takes me around the dark, silty bowels of the ship with unfailing dexterity. We visited the engine room, where all kinds of tools are still neatly hanging on their racks. The radio room is in great shape, the big apparatus still on its feet. Lots of plates and bowls lying around.

Tea cup in the Kensho maru

Immersione con Johnny, guida locale. Sono da solo, gli altri hanno preferito tornare sul Betty. Johnny conosce il relitto come le sue tasche, mi porta in giro nel buio con grande sicurezza. Andiamo in sala macchine, poi in sala trasmissioni, dove l'enorme apparato radio è ancora tutto intero. Molte suppellettili, coppette di ceramica, vasellame.

Buy this book on Operation Hailstone, the attack by American navy on Chuuk in February 1944.

20 June 1994

Dive n. 207: Yamagiri, Chuuk Lagoon, 30m, 35'

Interessante elica di motore, e gli enormi proiettili da 18 pollici (46 cm) i più grandi mai costruiti e destinati alle corazzate Yamato e Musashi che stazionarono a Truk nel 1943.

18-inch shells

Artillery shells

Spare propeller

You can watch a video by Andrew Lee here

Dive n. 206: Fumizuki, Chuuk Lagoon, 33m, 35'

Fumizuki in 1926

Drawing by the Thorfinn yacht

Dive on the cruiser Fumizuki.

The Fumitsuki was a Mutsuki Class Destroyer built in 1926, 320ft/97m long with a gross tonnage of 1,913 tons normal, and 1,590 tons light after reconstruction. She was driven by 2-shaft Parsons geared turbines and 4 Kampon boilers. She could carry a complement of 150 officers and crew. She was one of only two real Japanese Navy combat ships sunk in Truk Lagoon.

She was capable of over 33.5 knots fully loaded, but was under repair at the time of her demise. The name translates as “the 7th month of the moon calendar when rice/flowers ripen.” Information from

I can see the railway used to move equipment of the bridge and torpedo launchers.

Fumizuki evading attack during Operation Hailstone

Railway to move shells on ship

Torpedo launchers

19 June 1994

Dive 203: Unkai Maru

Military transport ship built in Newcastle in 1905 and sold to a Japanese shipping company in 1921. Requisitioned by Imperial Japanese Navy for the war.

U.S. newspaper aboard from time Japan and U.S. were still neutral

Gas mask

American newspaper from California!

See this video by Rod MacDonald on the Unkai Maru

Dive n. 204: Rio de Janeiro Maru, Chuuk Lagoon, 33m, 40'

Drawing by the yacht Thorfinn

Interesting dive on the Rio de Janeiro Maru where I can photograph the hugh props and tons of bottles of sake.

Stay tuned for more pics as I scan them...

18 June 1994

Dives n. 199, 200, 202: Nippo Maru, Chuuk Lagoon

Three memorable dives. I could see lots of artillery pieces by the stern, a tank by the bow, and the beautifully preserved pilothouse

Artillery piece

Command bridge


Dive n. 201: Sankisan Maru, Chuuk Lagoon, 23m, 54'

Click on the picture to view it in full size

Drawing by the Thorfinn

In this wreck of transport ship Sankisan I could see and photograph tons of truck tires, mountains of bullets and lots of airplane engines.

My pictures are being scanned... to be included soon!

15 June 1994

Dives n. 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 208: Shinkoku Maru, Chuuk Lagoon, 30m, 35'

Largest divable wreck in Truk. It was an oiler.

Drawing by Thorfinn

The Shinkoku Maru is a fascinating dive. I found most interesting my visit to the galley.

Also of significance is the operating room, with the bed still almost intact.

You can watch two interesting videos on the Shinkoku here on Vimeo (see especially those by Pete Peterson) and here on Youtube .

Engine telegraph

Dives 188, 189, 190, 191 took place on 15 June. Dives 192, 193 and 194 were on 16 June. Dive 208 on June 20.

13 June 1994

Dives n. 178-187 e 195-196: Fujikawa Maru, Chuuk Lagoon

Oggi 13 giugno, domani 14 Giugno ed il 17 1994 ho fatto 8 immersioni sul relitto del Fujikawa Maru, forse il più interessante dei relitti di Chuuk. La nave fu affondata durante l'Operazione Hailstone il 17-18 Febbraio 1944.


Engine piston cylinder


Wall light