22 February 2019
back to Guiyang's market n.2
The new market is much better than the old one, for one thing, it is a proper building with a tiled floor and a rainproof roof, unlike the messy jumble of stands on mud floor like the old one. The old one was more fun to watch though!
Shops for live animals are clustered together, along the same street. On one side of the market they sell fish (alive from styrofoam boxes, as usual here) and on the opposite side of the block, it is poultry, also alive.
I buy some pig ears. I like the texture of the cartilage and enveloping skin, especially as my mother-in-law cooks it with her signature home make chili-garlic-ginger spicy sauce.
In the afternoon it is massage and herbal bath time. My wife and I take our two friends who are visiting from Italy to try the Chinese technique. One hour is filled with three sessions of massage, body, legs, and arms, alternating with sessions in a wooden tub for a hot bath of herbal infusions. The massage takes place in a warm room with gentle music in the background. Single or double rooms depending on clients’ needs.
For our two friends, they only had two single rooms and only one of the rooms had a shower. The masseuses did not speak any English, so with the help of a phone translator my lady friend's masseuse, at the end of the session, wanted to tell her if she wanted to rinse in her husband's shower. Except she said: "I want to take a shower with your husband!" Haha.
17 February 2019
Fruit market and calligraphy exhibition
Some European food for sale, interesting to see prosciutto, salami and mortadella from Italy, and Iberico from Spain.
Lots of flowers but also wood carvings, tableware, exotic (for me) fruits.
Afterward, it was time to head back to the Sun Yat-Sen memorial for the calligraphy exhibition we heard about would be taking place today.
As we arrive we are welcomed by a lively scene of families, elderly people, some with their carers,
A whole huge room of the memorial is reserved for this event.
first children, then high school students followed by professors and finally masters. It is amazing to see all this talent pooled together to honor and perpetuate the ancient art of Chinese calligraphy.
At 5 o'clock sharp the staff start packing everything up, seats tables...
As I see some blank paper, a brush and an inkpot that have not been packed away yet, I call my wife and she paints my Chinese name on a white scroll in beautiful calligraphy!
In addition to local calligraphers, there are many participants from Japan and the United States.
As we are about to leave we met Mr. Zheng, a slim and tall Chinese who was born in Malaysia but emigrated to California in 1980. He is an active member of the American Association for calligraphy...
His main hobby however is painting and he's also been performing Peking opera for over 30 years.
His brother lives in London, his sister in Australia but his 98-years-old mother is still in Malaysia. They try to get all together with her as often as possible!
Before parting ways he wants to take a picture together, then the official photographer of the event comes up and wants to shoot us too, what an honor!
23 September 2018
Market n. 2 in Guiyang and mid-autumn proparations
On the way I cross paths with a lady who is carrying a balancing basket. She is collecting paper and plastic bottles to sell back to commercial recycling companies, apparently a common activity here.
Lots of sellers of ducks line up the streets today, it is the traditional moon festival meal. All the ducks, of course, are sold alive and kicking in their reed baskets.
One lady buys a duck but she does not trust the seller's scale, so she grabs her animal and asks the next seller down the sidewalk to weigh it, not sure how it turned out but she bought the duck, 30 Rmb, about 4 euro.
The market is very busy, meat fish (always alive in water tanks) veggies of all kinds. Large quarters of cows are hanging from the roof of the covered market, and the butcher slices off any cut and size his clients require. On one side, a man with a grinder produces the typical spicy chili paste that is so common in Hunan cuisine.
As I snap away a policeman approaches me and Lifang and explains he doesn't want me to take pictures of his police car, which I haven't done and have no interest in doing anyway.
A little girl drinks fresh juice out of a plastic cup then throws cup on ground, I pick it up and try to show her to hold on to it until she can put it in a bin but her mother takes it from her and shows her how to throw it... on the ground! I give up.
At home mother in law has bought a duck, which is swiftly slaughtered in the bathroom, fairly quickly and effortlessly. The blood flowing from the neck is collected to make bean curd and then used in a soup. It's very delicious!
08 August 2017
Mercato, supermercato e karaoke a Guiyang
Oggi torniamo al mercato n.2 a comprare carne. Andiamo subito dopo colazione, verso le 8, mia suocera si dice che si compra meglio ed anche io sono contento perché c'è più vita, meglio per osservare e fotografare.
Un venditore di carne (suina quindi) è molto indaffarato con una fiamma a bruciare i peli dalla cotenna dell'animale. E poi da una scottata anche al lardo, lasciando una patina dorata sui tranci di grasso. Scena comune, l'ho vista anche in qualche supermercato. Non so perché non lo facciano prima di esporre la carne per la vendita al dettaglio, ma forse c'è un motivo.
Ce la macellano davanti a noi, tutto sommato in modo abbastanza rapido e incruento. Le piegano il collo a 180 gradi e la sgozzano, facendo fuoriuscire il sangue. Dopo poco l'uccello è esanime e viene preparato per la cottura: prima viene passata in acqua bollente e poi si spiuma; infine si tolgono le interiora, che però si mettono da parte e si mangiano fritte.
Poi in giretto al supermercato, dove mi soffermo al dipartimento camera da letto. Vendono le stuoie di vimini che in Cina sono usate d'estate al posto dei materassi. Ce l'abbiamo anche noi.
Quando siamo arrivati, qualche giorno fa, Lifang mi ha detto che suo fratello ci aveva preparato il letto. "Che carino," pensai, "arriviamo stanchi del viaggio e troviamo il letto fatto."
Fui stupito non poco, entrando in camera da letto, nel vedere due stuoie di vimini affiancate, con un lenzuolo piegato da una parte.
Ma allora dobbiamo farcelo noi il letto, pensai tra me e me, ma non dissi nulla. Ero un po’ deluso date le aspettative ma non era poi così grave. Invece mia moglie entra sorridente e mi dice compiacente: visto che bel letto fresco?
Materassi estivi cinesi |
Zampe di pollame bollite |
Scegliamo una canzone |
29 December 2012
Film review: Winds of Sand, Women of Rock (2010), by Nathalie Borgers, *****
Amina is preparing to leave with the date caravan. Every year, she and many other Toubou women make this 1500 km journey from Agadez to Bilma, across Niger's Sahara, despite the danger, the heat (50°C) and the sandstorms.
For these nomadic women, the journey is the key to their economic independence: they sell their goats and bring back dates, and with the income from the sale of the dates, a family can live for a year. But Amina, a rebellious 26-year old, has had enough of this long trip. En route, she finds a friend in Mariama and, far from the men, the two young girls share their dreams of a modern, independent life. When they reach their destination, they try to put their plans into action. But Domagali is weary of joining them, and longs to go back to the Sahara, where the grass is free.
03 August 2011
Il mercato dei libri in Italia: poveri noi lettori di libri, "protetti" dalla nuova legge sugli sconti.
27 April 2011
4. - 27 APR: Lijiang, Jade Dragon Mountain, Baisha, market
A chairlift takes us up to the “yak meadows”. The view of the peaks from the top is stunning, and the white snow against the blue sky provides a perfect frame for the Buddhist gompa on top of a hill that we reach with an easy 20 min walk. The gompa is not the most impressive I have ever seen, still, it's good to see it here, open for business.
A few yaks graze around, it is all by the book! Not enough time to savor the atmosphere unfortunately, time to go back. I detest fixed schedules when traveling but today I have no choice, I am in the hands of the local guides. To make things worse, some of my clients, especially 50+ single Italian ladies, complain to me! Oh boy...
After lunch off to town for a visit of the food market, with impressive displays of all kinds of delicacies, clearly a successful farmers’ market that may not be very communist but has all its shelves full. Very colorful cabbages and other greens are on display next to bright red chili baskets that will spice up local dishes. Southern Chinese cuisine is known for being generally more spicy than the rest. In a semi-dark covered pavilion a number of butchers are busy chopping and skinning all kinds of animals, but especially pigs and cows as I can tell. No refrigeration system is in sight but the meat looks very fresh, I suppose there must be a high turnover.
I bought a red mahjong set, kind of old looking if not necessarily that old. Nearby, a palace that used to belong to an old pre-revolutionary governor exudes some ancient charm. I especially appreciate its old wooden doors. Many frescos all around, we are told by our local guide, were destroyed by the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution, but these doors survived because local farmers painted them over with portraits of Mao.
We then move on to the park of the Black Dragon Pool. It is a stunning location, with lots of history, art and architecture which we only have time to taste in part.
There is an old and very big camellia tree. It has its own guardian, who is well known because he has had this job for over 50 years. He says, through our guides, that the Red Guards wanted to cut the tree down as it was an "old thing" but he stopped them and told them they would have to kill him first, and they gave up. Who knows what really happened but the tree is here!
Dinner tonight brings a new guest: Baiju, the rice liquor that will accompany most of the rest of our dinners in this trip. Sort of similar to grappa (very sort of) it can be made with rice or sorghum. It has a rather coarse taste but can go down very well after a hearty Chinese meal.
31 December 2009
3. - 31 DEC: Addis Abeba to Dessie
16 March 2009
Il mercato del pesce di Malé
La pesca per secoli è stata la principale industria delle isole, superata solo negli ultimi anni dal turismo, ma rappresenta sempre un buon 15% dell’economia, ed impiega una percentuale ancora maggiore di lavoratori, tra pescatori ed indotto. Senza contare la grande parte della pesca di sussistenza delle famiglie degli atolli più lontani, che non è monetizzata e quindi difficilmente quantificabile. Al di là dell'aspetto meramente economico, la pesca è da sempre l'anima delle Maldive. Se va male la pesca, va male tutta l'economia. Ci mancò poco che si scatenasse una vera e propria rivoluzione quando nell'ottocento i mercanti indiani, spesso con l’aiuto degli inglesi, stavano per soppiantare i locali, o quando Ceylon impose controlli valutari che stavano per soffocare le vendite verso quel paese, principale sbocco delle esportazioni maldiviane di pesce.
I pescatori espongono la loro mercanzia, proveniente dalle barche di tutto l’arcipelago, su semplici banchetti, o semplicemente per terra, qualche volta solo pochi pesci modestamente allineati sulle maioliche bianche. La mattina è protagonista il pesce piccolo, di paranza diremmo noi, mentre nel pomeriggio arrivano i tonnetti, le cernie, le spigolone tropicali, qualche grande tonno d'altura. Ogni tanto qualche crostaceo fa la sua dignitosa figura, anche se essendo questo un paese mussulmano aragoste e granseole non figurano nelle ricette più comuni della cucina locale. Il tutto passa di mano rapidamente. La contrattazione è a tratti frenetica ma misurata nei toni.
Questo post è un estratto del mio libro sulle Maldive. Per comprare il libro formato kindle su Amazon clicca qui.
05 January 2008
La testuggine di Guraidhoo, atollo di Malé sud, Maldive
01 September 2003
26° g - 1 SET: Tehran, partenza per l'Italia e fine del viaggio
09 August 2003
3° g - 9 AGO: Tabriz e Kandovan
07 January 2003
21° g - 7 GEN: aereo per Goa, visita di Panjim
L'aeroporto per i voli nazionali è un po' sgarrupato ma funzionale. Molti cartelli mi intimano di non fotografare. Un facchino con un cartellino identificativo sbiadito, illegibile direi, mi prende il bagaglio dal bagagliaio del taxi prima che io possa rendermene conto. Mi accompagna al banco dell'accettazione, una cinquantina di metri scarsi più avanti, e gli do 10 rupie. Non gli sta bene, ne vuole 50. Gliene allungo altre 10 per togliermelo di torno.
26 August 2002
19. - 26 AUG: Muang Sing market, trek in the jungle
Six o’clock in the morning and the market is already in full swing. Ladies from around the province are deployed to their negotiating positions behind tightly packed stands: fruits, vegetables, spices, sweets, the usual suspects as far as country markets go. But some not so usual foodstuffs did make me wonder what kind of recipes would be prepared that evening in some of Muang Sing’s homes: roasted and live beetles, whole raw pig heads, buckets of chicken paws…
25 August 2002
18. - 25 AUG: Udom Xai to Muang Sing
10 May 1989
17° g - 10 MAG: sulle riforme e al Mercato privato Rizhkij
Mi dice che lui pensa che i russi vogliono al vertice l'uomo che rappresenta l'ideale, qualcosa cui aspirare, qualcuno che si prenda la responsabilità se le cose vanno male. Tutti bravi a comandare, ad esercitare la loro piccola fetta di potere, ma la colpa di ciò che non va non è mai di nessuno. Cosí come non si sa chi ha ordinato alle truppe di andare in Afghanistan o in Georgia, non si sa ancora neanche chi ordinò di sparare contro i contadini che inneggiavano allo Zar a S. Pietroburgo nel 1905.
I Russi hanno perso la lor libertà quando Vladimir ha imposto il cristianesimo nel 988. Prima erano atei ma liberi e russi. Con la cristianizzazione hanno perso sia libertà sia "russità". Al cristianesimo è subentrato il comunismo ma il principio è lo stesso: un ideale (straniero) ed un'autorità despotica che fa da tramite.
Ora il comunismo è in crisi, perfino l'ideale Lenin comincia ad essere messo in discussione; lo stato richiama la Chiesa a coorte per rafforzare il controllo sulla gente. L'alleanza PCUS-Chiesa nei fatti c'è già, l'incontro del Papa con Gorbaciov sarà solo il sigillo finale.
Gli chiedo cosa vede per il suo futuro nella perestrojka e mi dice che i sindacati sono già nei guai. Sindacati indipendenti come in Polonia si faranno presto anche in URSS, già se ne parla. Comunque non si preoccupa, potrà fare qualcos'altro, forse insegnare italiano.
Dopo pranzo vado al mercato cooperativo Rizhskij a comprare un po' di pomodori. Gli scaffali sono strabboccanti di verdure, carne, perfino ciliegie, anche se un po' rachitiche. 15 R per un chilo di pomodori, cioè cinque volte quello che costano al mercato statale, dove però i pomodori spesso non ci sono o sono di qualità inferiore; chissà se mi hanno fregato vedendomi straniero o se questo è il vero prezzo "di mercato"!
22 February 1980
Exploring Warsaw stores
In the afternoon the three of us explore the city. First we go the "Supersam": a mediocre supermarket, with long lines for the meat counter. As we go in the staff forces each of us to take a basket, maybe to keep count of how many people get in, I am not sure. The quality of available groceries seems rather low.
Later I went to the local police office to renew the temporary visa I got in Vienna, easily done, no problems.
By the end of the afternoon the three of us again exploring various stores and shopping malls: prices are incredibly low, at least for us, but for most Poles too. The shelves are pretty well stacked up with merchandise but again the problem is that the quality is so low. The same can be said of the cars we see in the streets: many of them, there is even the occasional traffic jam, but mostly cheap locally made FIATs and Soviet Ladas (also FIATs).