Dopo di che bisogna riempire un Passenger Locator Form, e così armati presentarsi al confine. Una meticolosa guardia lo controlla assieme a passaporto e carta di identità, tutto OK, ci ricorda che dovremo isolarci per dieci giorni e siamo a posto, ma prima di lasciarci passare chiede se abbiamo prenotato i test da fare una volta arrivati nel Regno Unito.
Infatti da qualche mese è necessario prenotare online 2 ulteriori test da fare a Londra, uno il secondo giorno dopo l'arrivo, ed uno l'ottavo giorno. Il decimo giorno, se entrambi i test sono negativi, si è liberi di uscire. Venendo dal Belgio, paese color "giallo" almeno non dobbiamo far quarantena in albergo a spese nostre, come invece tocca a quelli che vengono dai paesi "rossi". Fortunati quelli che arrivano dai paesi "verdi", come al semaforo, un test in arrivo e via liscio senza ulteriori complicazioni.
Alla fine scelgo: CONFIRM TESTING, che prenoto un paio di giorni prima del viaggio di rientro nel tunnel sotto la Manica. Ricevo un lungo messaggio, la procedura è complicata.
Marco, thank you for choosing Confirm Testing for your return to England Day 2 & Day 8 test kits. Here is more information about what happens next that we thought you'd find useful - please read below. What happens next?
As soon as you place an order for the Testing for International Arrivals home test kits, our automated system should send you the PDF that contains your booking confirmation number that you would need for the Passenger Locator Form (PLF). If you have not received this, please check your spam folder as some email servers tend to reject automated emails. In other cases, as happens sometimes, there could have been typos when you entered your email address so the system could not identify your the email address. If you have not received the PDF yet and have checked your spam, please email us at and we'll look into it straight away.
If you have made any errors when you entered the information on the form, not to worry, just email us with any amendments and we'll try to send you this as soon as possible
How are the kits dispatched?
Please note that the Day 2 and Day 8 kits will be sent separately. The Day 2 test is dispatched a day before the arrival date that you included on the information form when you placed the order. This is so that it arrives to your quarantine address on the day that you arrive in the country.
The Day 8 test is dispatched separately to the Day 2 test. This is because the Government has mandated that the kits be sent separately so that customers do not take the test before their Day 8. You are asked to only take the test on or after Day 8 of your quarantine. You will not be able to register your Day 8 barcode before your actual Day 8.
To help you calculate which is your Day 2 and which is your Day 8, always count your date of arrival into the UK as your Day 0 (Zero).
Registering your test kit:
It is VERY important that you register your test kit once you have received it. Without this, we will be unable to identify your sample at the lab and you will not receive your results.
The process is very easy - please follow the instructions that are included with your test kit. They will guide you to where you can register the barcode and the time that you performed the swab test.
Your unique barcode is shown on the outside of the test kit box and on the front cover of the instructions booklet included in the kit.
You should keep the instructions or take a photo of your barcode to avoid any possible problems.
It is absolutely imperative that you register your kit or you will not be able to receive results and could potentially face fines if the government does not see recorded results for you. This will result in a delay in you leaving home quarantine and you will be asked to pay for replacement tests.
Arrivo a casa, auto in garage e via dritto nell'appartamento. La direttrice del condominio, con la quale sono in contatto Whatsapp da qualche giorno per coordinare il nostro rientro nel rispetto delle regole, mi intima con tono perentorio di andare direttamente dal garage all'appartamento.