06 February 2022

Recensione libro: Daniele Ruffinoni e la Concessione Italiana (2018) di Bologna, Alberto e Michele Bonino, ****


L’area della ex Concessione italiana di Tianjin, in Cina, custodisce ancora oggi alcuni degli edifici progettati dall’ingegnere torinese Daniele Ruffinoni tra il 1913 e il 1915. La vicenda professionale di Ruffinoni a Tianjin, sino a ora praticamente inesplorata, fornisce l’occasione per riflettere su uno scambio intellettuale e tecnico tra l’Italia e la Cina e sul suo significato attuale, mentre ci si interroga sempre più sulle opportunità offerte dal grande Paese asiatico. 

Questo libro intende fare luce su una vicenda certo poco nota, ma per questo non meno significativa, dell’architettura italiana dello scorso secolo e sull’odierno stato di questi luoghi, a seguito di recenti processi di trasformazione. Quali le ragioni e il contesto storico in cui si è svolta la progettazione della ex Concessione italiana di Tianjin? Chi era Ruffinoni e come ha sviluppato la sua attività professionale in Cina? Quali strumenti metodologici mettere in campo per la lettura critica di questa storia? Quali le strategie progettuali seguite nella trasformazione recente della ex Concessione?


Ricostruzione meticolosa dell'opera di un architetto italiano in Cina. Il lungo viaggio, il rientro prematuro, la difficoltà di approvvigionamento dei materiali, le complicazioni legate allo scoppio della Grande Guerra.

Al di là di considerazioni storiche e politiche sull'esistenza stessa di quella concessione, il libro ci porta per mano nella Cina di inizio XX secolo, con l'ultima dinastia imperiale agli sgoccioli e la nascita della repubblica. In questo contesto si incontrano architetti e costruttori italiani e cinesi, a lavorare sul francobollo di terra che è Italia e tale resterà fino al 1947 quando sarà ovviamente restituita alla madrepatria.

Leggi qui le mie recensioni di libri sulla Cina.

06 January 2022

UK and French testing for COVID-19, December 2021/January 2022

After much hesitation and a long lockdown and semi-lockdown we decide to go and spend Christmas and new year's eve in Brussels with our best friends. And to enjoy a few nights at the fireplace of my house, as well as check the work done in our kitchen, which has taken quite a few months longer than anticipated. Delays in deliveries of components, incompetence and insouciance of the contractor, bureaucratic bottlenecks, you name it, we experienced it. Time to go and have a look.

We get free antigen kits in UK but have to pay for exactly the same kit to travel. Not sure why, I thought maybe they do not trust a self-administered home test for travel, they want a certified company to do it. I was not exactly sure (my fault, instructions are clear) so we went to board the Eurotunnel and we are politely turned away.  We need to drive fifteen minutes to a  private test center near Folkestone, where a big gentleman at the door asks us to book a test online on his ipad. He says there will be no slot available for today but he will squeeze us in, and it does not look like it will be difficult as there is no one around except for a couple of Eurostar travelers like us who got rejected at check-in.

In no time we are inside and a polite lady hands us aswab... to test ourselves! So £39 per person, for nothing, really.

We need a test upon return as well, and it was easier to buy it in the UK and do it at home in belgium instead of having to go look for a lab there. I register a pre-return kit, for which I need a test number, then sample test number and PLF reference number for UK govt tracking. Surprise: the night before our return to the UK we do the test at home and the kit is missing a swab, luckily I had taken with me one of the free domestic use test kits and could use one of those swabs. 

The double test kit for two people was £158, not cheap for something identical to what the government provides for free, but C-19, the test company, will refund £15 when I point out to them a swab was missing.

All that is left is a personal Locator Form (PLF) so the UK government knows where we are going to stay in London (at home, they know that already) and we are fit to travel.

05 January 2022

Il condono edilizio

Verso la fine degli anni cinquanta del XX secolo, mia madre Caterina partecipò ad una cooperativa edilizia che costruiva una palazzina di appartamenti a Monte Mario, zona Balduina, allora alla periferia di Roma, oggi quartiere borghese e costoso. L'appartamento le fu consegnato nel 1957, giusto in tempo per andarci a vivere con il suo neo-sposino, mio padre Giovanni.

Dopo qualche anno nacqui io,  poi mio fratello, e la nostra famiglia visse felice in quell'appartamento. Ce ne andammo nel 1965, per abitare più vicino allo studio dei miei. L'appartamento fu quindi affittato ad un certo signore di cui non ricordo il nome, che nel 1967 chiese a mia madre di chiudere una veranda prospiciente la cucina. Cosa che mia madre accettò di fare di buon grado: era un abuso edilizio, per quanto insignificante, e certamente non era giustificato dal fatto che nel palazzo, come nella maggior parte dei palazzi della zona, lo facevano tutti. Ma non più di un peccato veniale. Nessuno disse nulla, e ce ne dimenticammo.

Dopo venti anni esatti, nel 1987, il signor inquilino andò via ed io tornai a vivere nell'appartamento alla Balduina. La mia casetta a Roma. Prima di donarmi l'immobile però, mia madre si premurò di sanare l'abuso edilizio, fece domanda al comune e versò 200.000 lire come richiesto. La ringraziai e pensai che la cosa fosse risolta una volta per tutte.

Invece neanche per sogno: quando vendetti l'appartamento, nel 2019, il notaio mi fece notare che il condono del comune di Roma non era mai arrivato, anzi non era proprio mai partito dal Campidoglio. Controllai le mie carte ed in effetti non lo trovai. Perché il Comune di Roma non avesse emesso la sanatoria, o in alternativa non avesse intimato la demolizione della famigerata veranda, avendo però incassato le 200.000 lire, non riuscivo a capirlo: un ritardo di 32 anni!

Poco male, pensai, me ingenuo ed illuso: chiamerò il Comune, o scriverò, o al limite ci andrò di persona, o incaricherò un geometra, o darò mandato ad un'agenzia, ma non sarebbe stato difficile ottenere un documento che mi spettava da decenni , e che avevo pagato. O almeno mi avrebbero detto una ragione per la quale non poteva essere emesso, avrei in qualche modo provato a rimediare, magari demolendo la copertura veranda, dopo che era stata lì per 52 anni!

Senza condono però non si poteva rogitare la vendita. Un bel guaio. Il compratore furbastro però propose di lasciare una cauzione di 5.000 euro presso il notaio, che mi sarebbe stata restituita alla consegna della sanatoria. Accettai di farlo, ed il notaio fu d'accordo, perché mi era stato detto che con un rogito in ballo si poteva presentare un sollecito al Comune, ed entro qualche mese sarebbe arrivata la sanatoria, ed io avrei ritirato i 5.000. Il sollecito lo inviati prontamente ma sospettai che il notaio stesse favorendo il mio compratore, ebbi l'impressione che fossero amici, un po’ il gatto e la volpe, ma non ne ho le prove. Infatti poi appresi che avrebbe potuto ben rogitare, non era richiesta la cauzione.

Passano i mesi ma il condono non arriva. Nonostante ripetuti solleciti, il Comune di Roma taceva. Reagì solo quando il mio avvocato inviò una diffida formale. E a quel punto i solerti impiegati del Comune chiesero un ulteriore documento: un collaudo da parte di un geometra (incaricato e pagato da me) che testimoniasse come la copertura della veranda, che se ne stava buona buona al suo posto dal 1967, non provocasse pericoli di staticità all'edificio. Non ci potevo credere! Ma ci dovevo credere.

Il mio geometra produsse il documento e lo inviò al comune per via elettronica. Mi costò 400 euro, il geometra non fece neanche un sopralluogo, semplicemente riempì un modulo prestampato e lo firmò.  Il comune non si preoccupò neanche di darmi riscontro della ricezione.

Intanto il mio compratore era diventato venditore, aveva rivenduto il mio ex appartamento a terzi. In questo modo aveva perso il titolo alla mia obbligazione nei suoi confronti, non poteva più avere alcun danno dal mio abuso edilizio del 1967 (ma va’?) ed inoltre io non avrei più potuto, anche potendo e volendo, girargli la concessione in sanatoria, perché lui non era più proprietario. Casomai avrei dovuto darla a chi aveva comprato dal mio compratore.

...continua... vedremo come va a finire. Aggiornerò questo post quando avrò novità, se mai ne avrò!

18 December 2021

Auguri di buon compleanno

Oggi ne ho ricevuti tanti, su Facebook e per altri canali. Ecco il più toccante, da mia cugina Rina in Canada.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARCO, hai lo stesso compleanno di PAPA FRANCESCO. Solo l'altro giorno eri un teenager con la valigia sempre pronta per partire in cerca di cose nuove,nuove persone, nuovi paesi, volevi sapere sempre di piu` e finalmente hai trovato Lifang, la donna della tua vita. Buon Compleanno Marco e altri 100 di questi giorni. La tua cuginetta.

Le ho risposto così:
Grazie Rina, da te il più bell'augurio che abbia ricevuto su Facebook. Più bello perché centrato su quello che sono e sono sempre stato dentro. La prima visita in Canada, 47 anni fa, fu decisiva a convincermi della necessità di vedere il mondo, e cercare di capirlo almeno un po’. Cento anni non basterebbero a realizzare tutti i programmi che Lifang ed io abbiamo in mente, ma cercheremo di sbrigarci! Un abbraccio affettuoso.

Non sapevo di condividere il mio compleanno con il papa,  ma sono molto contento di condividerlo con Beethoven! (Il 18 dicembre, mio compleanno ufficiale nei documenti, lo avrei condiviso con Stalin.)

21 October 2021

Lungo il Mekong: Incontri e riscontri in Cambogia e Laos (2021) di Marco Carnovale

Un viaggio compiuto nel 2022, quando, a seguito di alcune disavventure professionali e sentimentali, decisi di cambiar vita. Un punto e a capo definitivo. Uno stacco sabbatico che diventa uno stile di vita.

Dallo splendore di Angkor alle tribù della giungla nel nord del Laos, un viaggio con veloci aliscafi, furgoni traballanti, esili piroghe e robusti scarponi. Un viaggio per assaporare, e non divorare, natura e cultura dei popoli di questo affascinante angolo del mondo, che risorge dopo aver subito innumerevoli conflitti.

L'autore ci conduce ai siti archeologici dell'UNESCO, si perde tra la gente del posto, mangia il loro cibo e dorme in improbabili villaggi che difficilmente vedono un volto straniero. Per diverse settimane scatta foto e prende appunti, sempre rispettoso delle usanze locali, tranne una volta, e paga il suo errore!

Il libro contiene oltre 25 fotografie, in bianco e nero nelle versioni cartacee e a colori nella versione kindle.

Acquistabile su tutti i siti Amazon.

14 September 2021

Film review: Horses of God (2012) by Nabil Ayouch, *****


In Horses of God, Nabil Ayouch tells the story of two young soccer-loving friends, Yachine and Nabil, growing up under the fierce protection of Yachine's older brother, Hamid.

But in the sprawling slums of Sidi Moumen, not even Hamid can defend them against the harshness and injustice of the life that surrounds them. Fed up with that life, Hamid throws a rock at a police car and earns himself two years in prison. When he returns, an eerie calm masks his newfound zealotry, and his fundamentalist friends seem to exercise a powerful influence.

Inspired by the real-life 2003 terrorist attacks in Casablanca, Ayouch's film is a thoughtful and affecting inquiry into how ordinary people come to do desperate, unfathomable things. A major achievement by one of North Africa's most important filmmakers, the film was hugely successful both at Cannes and in its native Morocco and has won acclaim from public and critics alike.


An instructive movie to try and begin to understand, at least in part, how extremism can take root when other values and points of reference are missing. In this case this is the story of Moroccan kids who become terrorists but it could have happened in many other countries, including Europe. One also gets an insight into other real problems in a Moroccan muslim shantytown, with poverty, male chauvinism and petty crime.

22 August 2021

Film review: A Time to Kill (1996) by Joel Schumacher, ****


John Grisham's explosive novel is brought to the screen by Joel Schumacher. Carl Lee (Samuel L. Jackson) seeks violent revenge after his 10-year-old daughter is brutally assaulted. Lawyer Jake Brigance (Matthew McConaughey) has to save him from Death Row, against mounting pressure from both the Ku Klux Klan and the Civil Rights Movement. Sandra Bullock stars as Brigance's student lawyer aide, while Kevin Spacey appears as the ruthless prosecutor, Rufus Buckley.


A good movie to understand the deep roots of racism in the southern US. The obvious theme is racial prejudice at a jury trial where white jurors are expected to convict a black accused murderer, Carl Lee. 

The real surprise comes when Carl Lee chooses a white lawyer (Brigance) to defend him. And he chooses him not because Brigance is not racist, but because, despite all he says, Carl lee thinks in the end he really is: he defends blacks but does not make friends with them, their daughters don't play together. So, as a white man who does not mix with black, Brigance is more credible to a white jury!

07 August 2021

Film review: Emperor (2012) by Peter Webber, *****


Brigadier-General Bonner Fellers (Matthew Fox) is sent to Japan as a part of the occupation force. He is tasked with arresting Japanese war criminals, including former Prime Minister Hideki Tojo.

Before he departs, he privately orders his Japanese interpreter, Takahashi, to locate his Japanese girlfriend, Aya Shimada. 

After arresting Tojo, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur asks Fellers, whom he recognizes as a Japan expert, for advice about whether Emperor Hirohito can't be tried as a war criminal. Doing so could lead to a revolt, but the American people want the Emperor to stand trial for Japan's actions. MacArthur gives Fellers ten days to investigate the Emperor. When Takahashi informs Fellers that Aya's Tokyo apartment was bombed, he orders him to investigate her hometown, Shizuoka. 

MacArthur and Hirohito


A well constructed historical drama, very close to actual events, interwoven with a love story that probably is not so realistic but serves the purpose of this film. The film does not answer the million-dollar question, was the Emperor responsible for the war? But it does help to understand he deserves some credit for Japan's decision to surrender and therefore end the war.

31 July 2021

Film review: Hairspray (2007) by Alan Shankman, *****


Musical comedy starring John Travolta and Michelle Pfeiffer. Tracy Turnblad (Nikki Blonsky) is an overweight teenager with all the right moves who is obsessed with the Corny Collins Show. 

Every day after school, she and her best friend Penny (Amanda Bynes) run home to watch the show and drool over the hot Link Larkin (Zac Efron), much to Tracy's mother Edna's (Travolta) dismay.

 After one of the stars of the show leaves, Corny Collins holds auditions to see who will be the next person on the Corny Collins show. With the help of her friend Seaweed (Elijah Kelly), Tracy makes it on the show, angering the evil dance queen Amber Von Tussle (Brittany Snow) and her mother Velma (Pfeiffer). Tracy then decides that it's not fair that the black kids can only dance on the Corny Collins Show once a month, and with the help of Seaweed, Link, Penny, Motormouth Maybelle (Queen Latifah), her father (Christopher Walken) and Edna, she decides to take action.


A fun and instructive move about racism in America just as the Civil Rights movement was taking off and how it permeated daily life and culture, including music. In the end it is a feel-good movie about positive change. Funny to see John Travolta playing a woman!

28 July 2021

Film review: A Thousand Pieces of Gold, (1991) by Nancy kelly ****


Lalu (Rosalind Chao) is a young Chinese woman who is sold by her impoverished family and transported against her will to the American West in 1880. Upon her arrival in California, she meets Jim (Dennis Dun), a Chinese "wife trader" who sells her to Hong King (Michael Paul Chan), a successful Chinese merchant who lives in an Idaho mining town. The two set off on the long journey to Idaho and eventually strike up a friendship along the way.

When they finally arrive in the rough, isolated town, she is distraught to discover that she is not going to be Hong King's wife. Instead, she is to work in his saloon as his newest prostitute under a new name, "China Polly". She is further dismayed when Jim abruptly disappears, leaving her to fend for herself.

The following night, when Hong King tries to sell her virtue to the highest bidder, Lalu violently refuses to submit to her would-be suitors and successfully avoids becoming a prostitute, thanks in part to the intervention of a kind stranger, Charlie Bemis (Chris Cooper), who turns out to be Hong King's Caucasian partner. She placates a furious Hong King and convinces him to allow her to be his servant and saloon maid in order to repay the cost of her purchase. Hong King agrees to let her buy her freedom for the impossible sum of a thousand pieces of gold.

Polly, as Lalu comes to be known, endures great hardship. At one point, she is sexually assaulted by Hong King. However, she refuses to give up. She works hard and makes friends with the local townspeople. She also grows closer to Charlie, who begins to fall deeply in love with her. Meanwhile, Hong King is beset with financial problems and decides to sell Polly to the highest bidder. In a rare stroke of luck, Charlie wins her in a game of poker. She moves in with him but insists they remain platonic and keep separate quarters.

Jim comes back and wants her to be with him but he then leaves her again when he finds out that she is living with Charlie. The "white demons" begin to run out the Chinese people from their town so it will be a purely white town and the Chinese will stop getting all of the gold.

Polly works in many jobs and saves money to go back to China and her family, but ultimately ends up falling in love with Charlie. She marries him and lives the rest of her life with him in a different area so she will not be harassed by the white demons anymore. (Wikipedia)


A brilliant film set up as a love story but in fact a telling history of racism in America. Right after the end of the Civil War, when blacks became free, it was the Chinese who were discriminated against in California, where many had come in search of fortune.

The film in itself is not the best structured one you will ever see, but it is a most interesting historical novel about a part of American history many forgot.

Read my other reviews of books about China here in this blog.

01 July 2021

Film review: The Butler (2013) by Lee Daniels, *****


Historical drama directed by Lee Daniels and starring Forest Whitaker. The film tells the story of Cecil Gaines (his real name was Eugene Allen)'s 34-year career working as head butler at the White House. 

Beginning his tenure under President Eisenhower (Robin Williams), Cecil would see another seven presidents come and go throughout his career and was present at the highest level of the state during some of the most tumultuous periods in the 20th century including the American Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War. The ensemble cast includes John Cusack, James Marsden, Liev Schreiber, Alan Rickman and Oprah Winfrey.


An incredible story, though not completely a real one, about racism in America during the XX century. One African American boy, born a near slave in Virginia, rises to win the respect of successive presidents. He even lives long enough to see a black person become president for the first time. Much progress has been made, but it is not yet enough.

21 May 2021

Film review: The Help (2011) by Tate Taylor, *****


The #1 New York Times bestseller by Kathryn Stockett comes to vivid life through the powerful performances of a phenomenal ensemble cast. Led by Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and Bryce Dallas Howard, The Help is an inspirational, courageous and empowering story about very different, extraordinary women in the 1960s South who build an unlikely friendship around a secret writing project — one that breaks society’s rules and puts them all at risk.

Filled with poignancy, humor and hope — and complete with compelling, never-before-seen bonus features — The Help is a timeless, universal and triumphant story about the ability to create change.


We are taken by our hand into the southern USA in the 1960s, when the civil rights movement was reaching its peak. Black helpers at home are treated little better than their slaves grandparents, but in their small way these ladies begin to change things.

Unfortunately the problem just won't go away, and there is still much racism in the southern US fifty years after Martin Luther King, even after a black American has been elected president. 

You an also buy the book.

18 May 2021

Film review: Wadjda (2012) by Reem Abdullah, *****


A rebellious Saudi Arabian girl hatches a plan to get her hands on the bicycle she craves in this coming-of-age story from first time director Haifaa Al-Mansour. 

Living within a conservative suburb of Riyadh, fun-loving eleven-year-old Wadjda (Waad Mohammed) has her heart set on a green bicycle so that she can beat the boys in their neighbourhood races. 

But when her mother (Reem Abdullah) forbids it, anticipating a reaction from a society that disapproves of women riding bicycles, an enterprising Wadjda decides to raise the money herself by entering a local Qur'an-reading competition that offers a cash prize.


A most interesting if limited peek into Saudi society and especially the position of women. It is pretty incredible the Saudi female director managed to complete filming on location, not everyone was happy with it... Not surprising as movie theaters were not allowed in Saudi Arabia, either, between 1983 and 2018. 

I knew women were not allowed to drive (they now are) but was shocked to learn they were not supposed to ride bicycles. Or touch the Koran when they have their period! 

In the end this movie is about how a little girl wants to have a happy life, she knows nothing about politics and only understand religion inasmuch as they have her memorize verses. A hopeful note of optimism for Saudi Arabia. 

03 May 2021

明日歌 The Song of Tomorrow, Chinese idiom - La canzone del domani, proverbio cinese

Míng rì gē
The Song of Tomorrow
La Canzone del Domani


Míng rì,fù míng rì

Tomorrow, again tomorrow

Domani, ancora domani



míng rì hé qí duō

there are so many tomorrows

ci sono tanti domani



wǒ shēng dài míng ri

my life is waiting for tomorrow

la mia vita aspetta il domani



wàn shì chéng cuō tuó。

everything is in vain.

e tutto è invano.