20 September 2018

Farmacia e artigiani a Hangzhou

Oggi passeggiata per la città, prima di tutto la città vecchia. Diluvio...  ma troviamo rifugio in vari negozi e ristorantini. Mi piace camminare per il lastricato nero e lucido di pioggia, ed anche l'odore della pietra bagnata (credo basalto) contribuisce a creare un'atmosfera da vecchia Cina.

città vecchia

Interessante una farmacia tradizionale cinese, con annesso studio medico per imparare ad usare le medicine. La medicina cinese non è scientificamente dimostrata e quindi da mente formata in occidente mi trova scettico ma sono anche convinto che in millenni di tradizione si siano accumulate conoscenze ed esperienze utili.

Farmacia tradizionale

Visitiamo quindi una curiosa galleria di arte moderna,  con pezzi in metallo, in parte rappresentano animali, in parte astratti.

Infine un artigiano che fonde il rame per le sue creazioni, c'è tutto uno spiegone sul ruolo del rame nello sviluppo della civilizzazione, un po’ in tutto il mondo. 

Ma la cosa più curiosa della giornata è un negozio di sapone. Vende saponette tradizionali italiane, di Pesaro per essere precisi! Chissà cosa avranno di speciale, le commesse non lo sanno spiegare bene.

sapone italiano, di Pesaro

19 September 2018

Hangzhou: Confucius temple and pork intestine

Large temple dedicated to Confucius near our hotel. I am almost the only visitor or maybe just three or four couples share the quiet air conditioned rooms and courtyards with me

There is a large collection of Stèles inscribed with figures of wise men and confucian texts. Many have been heavily damaged over the centuries but have now been meticulously restored and preserved. A serene place that I am sorry to leave.

I reflect how this is in stark contrast with the way that treasures were treated in recent past when doing the cultural revolution the red the guards destroyed with abandon anything that had to do with ancient Chinese culture.

Later took a walk around the west lake shore. I sat down and absorbed the landscape on a bench by the water. Lots of Chinese tourists and and all the German or French here and there. it is very hot and humid otherwise I would have taken a ride on one of the gondolas that ferry tourists around the lake.

I have lunch at the Grandma restaurant, which served all kinds of enticing food whose pictures were printed on a large menu together with the English translation . Today I went for green peas and braised intestine of pig. Peas are not that different from how we would prepare them in Italy, sweet tendency. Intestine is tender, a tad on the rubbery side but not chewy. It melts well in the mouth with minimal effort.

When I was finished the waiter presented the alipay barcode to me to pay electronically which however I could not do it. I am not allowed to open an Alipay account without a Chinese identification. I will have to look more into it as I have seen Alipay used outside China. So I have to pay with cash which made me look very much XIX century. Everybody else paid with their phones. I am not sure they even take credit cards I haven't seen anybody using credit cards in China these days except perhaps at big hotels. It seems China has leapt forward from cash to electronic payments via mobile telephone, largely skipping the credit card era together.

After lunch I walked around a bit more and then made it back to my hotel just in time before the heavens opened up and a heavy downpour put an end to my explorations for the day.

18 September 2018

Il "Lago occidentale" di Hangzhou di sera

Stasera Lifang è andata a cena con un'amica che non vede da qualche anno. Una collega insegnante con cui è rimasta in contatto dopo aver lasciato la Cina tramite l'onnipresente Wechat, l'incredibile app cinese che fa le funzioni di Whatsapp, Facebook, Paypal and Instagram tutte insieme.

Io ne approfitto per una lunga passeggiata sul lungolago, che sarà pure considerato un posto turistico ma è piacevole, tenuto bene e comunque frequentato anche da tanti locali. 

Che poi non ho mai capito quelli che dicono che quando viaggiano non vogliono andare dove vanno i turisti, come se loro fossero esploratori. I turisti fanno parte del paese che visitano per il tempo che ci si soffermano, dunque stare in mezzo ai turisti è comunque visitare il paese. Anzi, evitare i turisti è una finzione, come quelli che quando fotografano cercano sempre di inquadrare come se non ci fosse nessuno intorno a loro. Sono foto false.

Una volta ho discusso con un sedicente fotografo viaggiatore che a chiamarlo turista si offendeva. Andava a Roma per la prima volta ed era fiero di dirmi che avrebbe evitato il Colosseo, San Pietro, la fontana di Trevi ecc. Mi disse che voleva vedere la "vera" Roma. Gli dissi che quei luoghi erano la vera Roma da secoli. Se poi avesse avuto tempo anche per andare a fotografare le borgate, i quartieri popolari, gli angoli nascosti, , benissimo. Ma se fosse ripartito senza aver messo piede a Piazza di Spagna non avrebbe potuto dire di aver visto Roma.

Per tornare al Lago Occidentale, col buio si accendono le luci e l'atmosfera si fa tiepida, un po' umida, ma una lievissima brezza rende l'aria piacevole ed invitante alla camminata. Per me come per migliaia di locali e di turisti cinesi provenienti da tutto il paese-continente. 

Dopo un po’ mi siedo su una panchina e guardo il flusso ininterrotto di umanità che scorre liscio lungo l'acqua nera, disordinato ma disciplinato. Nessuno parla a voce alta, nessuno butta niente per terra.

Ci sono alcuni ristoranti dall'apparenza piuttosto tristanzuola, menù striminziti, aspetto sciatto e qualche cantante con le cosce bene in vista ma  la voce stonata che in teoria dovrebbe attirare clienti. Senza molto successo, i locali sono vuoti. Evito. Torno invece da Grandma, una sicurezza, do mangio ancora benissimo e sono sempre l'unico a pagare con i soldi, tutti gli altri con il telefonino e WeChat.

Ci sono tanti negozi di lusso: Cartier, Rolex, Hermes. Grandi negozi sfavillanti. E pieni di gente. Non so quanti di loro poi effettivamente comprino, ma è chiaro che di denaro ne gira. Entro da Cartier e faccio finta di voler comprare un anello per mia moglie, tanto per farmi dire i prezzi da una delle commesse tirate a lucido. Prendo nota e dopo, online, verificherò che i prezzi sono anche più alti che in Europa. Ma i cinesi comprano.

Ammiro alcuni padiglioni sul bordo dell'acqua. Ci sono sempre le "coppiette" di versi scritte sulle colonne. Scatto qualche foto per potermi poi far tradurre i caratteri da Lifang. Una recita:

The Spring is long on the lake with the greenery and the plans you get drunk


Everybody is saying that this pavilion is beautiful and when you stand in front of it you can feel it energy right away

17 September 2018

Suzhou to Hangzhou by fast train, tea ceremony

Rainy morning in our hotel, we decided to take advantage of the luxurious facilities, we have not used them much these days, always busy visiting. The saunas, steam room, and swimming pool were pristine and inviting. After absorbing some heat in the first two I headed for the pool. There is no one around even though the hotel is rather full.

In fact there is someone around: the lifeguard, who looked kind of bored on top of his high chair until he approached me and said something that I did not understand but then pointed to his head and it was clear he wanted me to wear a swimming cap. Most pools require that in China these days. I tried to explain in my broken Chinese that I am completely bald, and rubbed my clean cupola with both hands to drive the point home. He insisted a couple of times, pointing to a sign on the wall that made it clear it was mandatory, but I insisted even more and in the end he smiled, climbed back up his high chair, and left me alone.

In the afternoon we take a trusted didi cab to the station, but when we reach the modern building I realize I forgot Lifang's necklace in the hotel's safe, even though she had asked me twice to check the safe before check-out. Now, if I had forgotten to check, that would be bad. But I HAD checked, and still forgot the necklace, so that made me feel even worse. Leaving it behind was not an option, this was a special one I had bought her in New York.

But my wife is not someone who gives up easily. She almost got upset, but regained her cool quickly and while calling the hotel, she told me to wait and stay put with both eyes peeled on our bags while she rushed back to the hotel. She made it quite fast and found the necklace, but we now had another problem. We would have missed out train, and we had a dinner appointment with one of her former English students in Hangzhou tonight. It would have been regrettable and impolite to cancel.

No worries: on the taxi back to the station she changed our reservation to a later train, though this one would depart from another station, so we had to rush across town with the local underground, which was slightly stressful but we made it! Just before boarding we even managed to grab a bit of black pepper beef and pork belly with white rice.

The train ride was smooth, the new CHR (China High-speed Rail) trains are quiet and very fast, over 300km/h. The passengers however do not always meet expectations one has on such luxury service. Most people are either on their cell phone, or streaming videos, without earphones, or both at the same time and at high volume. Some passengers even smoke though it is strictly forbidden!

In the end we made it on time to meet our friend, who took us for a tea ceremony in an upscale teahouse by the West Lake. here is a short video. He was a soft-spoken person, a manager in a large automotive company who said little but always made a lot of sense. He quoted Confucius to us: "Is it not a pleasure to have friends visiting from afar?"

In Chinese 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? (yǒu péng zì yuǎnfāng lái, bú yì lè hū?)

16 September 2018

Suzhou garden and merchants

Mattinata al famoso Giardino dell'umile amministratore. Sito Unesco come patrimonio dell'umanità, è un immancabile punto di riferimento di ogni visitatore della città. Architetture tradizionali perfettamente restaurate, bacini d'acqua con pesci rossi enormi, verde lussureggiante ovunque.

Un cartellone ci informa che ci sono state anche 9000 persone qui dentro a visitare questa enorme casa che proprio tanto umile non sembra. Oggi però siamo solo 1600. Nonostante l'affollamento si respira un'aria pacifica, l'atmosfera resta serena. Fa molto caldo. La prossima volta spero di venirci la mattina presto, appena apre, con meno gente e aria fresca.

Quando abbiamo finito chiamiamo un Didi per andare a casa. Didi è l'equivalente cinese di Uber, anzi ha rilevato Uber in Cina due anni fa, pagando con azioni. Pare anche sotto pressione politica, infatti in queste settimane Didi ha annunciato un programma chiamato "Volante della bandiera rossa", che vuol dire promessa di assumere qualche migliaio di autisti membri del partito comunista. Non solo, ha promesso anche di metterli in evidenza nella fila per l'assegnazione delle corse, dando priorità rispetto agli autisti che non hanno la tessera del partito. Non proprio un criterio meritocratico. Ma per ora funziona benissimo, lo usiamo spesso. Costa poco, sono di solito puntuali e gentili, o almeno più gentili degli autisti dei taxi. Per esempio aiutano con le valigie.

A quel punto si avvicina un taxi e ci chiede dove vogliamo andare. Al che ci offre la stessa tariffa di Didi, quindi accettiamo e cancelliamo la prenotazione Didi. Mentre ci porta in albergo si lamenta della concorrenza di Didi, proprio come i tassisti romani si lamentano di quella di Uber. Però, a differenza dei colleghi romani, i  tassisti cinesi si rimboccano le maniche e affrontano il mercato che cambia. E soprattutto, a differenza dei tassisti romani, conoscono le strade e sanno usare il navigatore.

La sera, dopo cena, a spasso per gli ampi spazi dell'albergo. C'è un grande negozio di giada e antichità, il proprietario ci offre forti sconti, dice che vuole liquidare tutto e aprire un ristorante di "noodles", si fanno più soldi. Per finire la serata andiamo a fare una passeggiata per una delle vecchie strade "hutong" restate a Suzhou. Anche qui entriamo in un negozio di giada e antichità e, sorpresa: il proprietario ci offre forti sconti, dice che vuole liquidare tutto e aprire un ristorante di "noodles", si fanno più soldi!

15 September 2018

Suzhou colazione, seta e perle

Al nostro albergo scendiamo per colazione ed un bel tavolo accanto ad una luminosissima finestra sul giardino è libero. Facciamo per prendere posto ma arriva un cameriere che ci dice che il tavolo è riservato, così come un altro tavolo accanto. Sono i due più bei tavoli del ristorante. Io/ mi sarei pure accomodato altrove, ma naturalmente Lifang non accetta la spiegazione, insiste e alla fine il manager cede e ci fa accomodare al tavolo.

Mentre facciamo colazione noto che almeno una dozzina di altri clienti dell'albergo provano a sedersi al tavolo con vista n.2, accanto al nostro, ma vengono tutti cortesemente allontanati dal manager. Nessuno osa contraddirlo come ha fatto Lifang. Sono fortunato ad averla come moglie, per tanti motivi, cui oggi si aggiunge quello di poter fare colazione al miglior tavolo dell'albergo! E comunque, durante l'ora abbondante in cui ci siamo gustati l'ottima colazione al buffet, nessun cliente con la "prenotazione" si è presentato al tavolo accanto al nostro, che è rimasto vuoto. E nessuno, manco a dirlo, ha reclamato una prenotazione per il nostro, di tavolo! Chiaramente era una finzione, non c'erano prenotazioni.

Probabilmente il manager tiene i due migliori tavoli liberi senza prenotazione, in caso si presentasse qualche cliente notabile, qualche suo superiore, oppure, verosimilmente, un dirigente del partito comunista. Non ho prove di questo, ma so che succedeva spesso nei paesi comunisti dell'Europa orientale. Ai ristoranti come al teatro, qualche posto veniva tenuto libero per i grandi capi, just in case...

Solo vero la fine dell'orario di colazione, mi pare fossero le 10.30, quando il buffet stava per chiudere, ad una coppia di tedeschi ritardatari fu acconsentito di sedersi all'agognato tavolo con vista vicino alla finestra!

Oggi saliamo su un piccolo bus per fare un giro guidato della città. Non è il mio modo preferito di viaggiare ma abbiamo poco tempo e per una prima infarinata della città si può fare.

Prima fermata al "Lingering Garden". Giardino tradizionale cinese ben curato e preservato con strutture in legno e sculture in bronzo di notevole interesse.

Ripartiamo per il fiume e sul bus la guida parla ininterrottamente per 45 minuti. Nessuno lo ascolta, tutto sono presi a chiacchierare o guardare i loro telefonini, ma pare qui sia usanza - mi è capitato varie volte -  che la guida comunque parli senza pause, soprattutto per fare pubblicità a prodotti commerciali. Ogni tanto fa qualche osservazione sulla vita di coppia (mi traduce Lifang) si come vivere serenamente insieme per tanti anni. Non so come faccia, quasi non respira, parla velocissimo senza pause per tre quarti d'ora.

Anche sulla barca, stessa cosa. Una guida che accende la bocca e non la spegne per tutto il tragitto, cercando di vendere qualche cartolina o souvenir che fa vedere e poi lanciando qua e là alcuni patetici aneddoti sulla città, che Lifang mi traduce ma che risparmio al lettore! Qualche volta fa una risatina per le sue proprie battutine, ma nessuno dei passeggeri reagisce in alcun modo.

Mentre scendiamo un funzionario della compagnia di navigazione, con tanto di mostrina che legge, a scanso di equivoci in inglese, "Chinese Crew", come se qualcuno potesse avere dubbi, cerca di venderci mazzi di carte da poker. Vai a capire.

Ci fermiamo per pranzo in un ristorante sulla strada. Un grande locale pieno di locali e turisti cinesi, mentre non si vedono stranieri. A giudicare dai profumi che provengono dalle cucine dovremmo mangiar bene. Ordiniamo un menù completo da 35 Rmb, ma la cameriera ci dice che non c'è più, esaurito. Invece ce ne propone un altro da 108 Rmb. Lifang naturalmente sente puzza di bruciato, ci sono quintali di cibo ti tutti i tipi che escono dai pentoloni, stanno solo cercando di farci spendere di più, e ce ne andiamo. A pochi passi c'è un altro ristorante, simile, e qui prendiamo un menù da 35 Rmb. Infatti i cibi sono identici al precedente, forse sono la stessa azienda. Riso con ortaggi vari ripassati al wok e un pezzo di maiale all'osso in salsa appena piccante, ottimi!

Il "museo" della seta in realtà, manco a dirlo, è un meganegozio. Ci fanno una dimostrazione di alcuni minuti su come si coltivano i bachi e su come si tesse la seta, e  poi via al negozio a cercare di vendere. Bellissimi Copri-piumino, lenzuola e federe per cuscino in seta liscissima, molto invitanti, tra i 4.000 e gli 8.000 Rmb. Se compri il copri-piumino ti regalano il piumino!

I prezzi non sarebbero male se confrontati all'Europa, ma Lifang decide di non comprare. Potremo acquistare online, sui siti per grossisti, risparmiando e con consegna a casa nostra! Il commercio online ha decollato alla grande in Cina, anche se i siti sono spesso solo in cinese d dunque non ancora mirati ad una clientela straniera.

Stessa cosa alla vicina "fabbrica" di perle. Cinque minuti di presentazione dell'allevamento delle ostriche perlifere e della loro lavorazione e poi via ai banchi dell'immenso negozio, che si sviluppa su vari piani.

Perle per gioielli di colore bianco, grigio e persino oro. Poi creme di perla per la pelle, maschere facciali per rendere liscia la pelle a base di perla, polvere di perla (non mi ricordo a che serviva) e per finire... dentifricio di pasta di perla! Con la madreperla invece tanti oggetti, quello che più mi ha colpito è un cucchiaio per massaggiare.

14 September 2018

Treno per Suzhou

Oggi ce ne andiamo a Suzhou in treno.

Stazione nuova e ben organizzata, tranne che per i controlli di sicurezza, che sono organizzati qui, come in tutte le stazioni ferroviarie cinesi, e persino in molte stazioni della metropolitana delle grandi città, sul modello di quelli degli aeroporti.

Solo che a differenza di quelli degli aeroporti qui a Suzhou le guardie non prestano alcuna attenzione a quello che passa. La suoneria non scatta mai quando un passeggero che attraversa il cancelletto a rilevatore magnetico, nonostante non ci abbiano chiesto di toglierci le cinte o le scarpe, o di levare dalle tasche oggetti metallici. Anche i bagagli vengono infilati in una grande macchina a raggi X e qualcuno butta un occhio stanco sui monitor, ma nessun bagaglio viene controllato. Speriamo bene.

La novità oggi sono i massaggi automatici in sala l'attesa, 20 Rmb per 20 minuti su una comoda poltrona nera dentro alla quale si agitano meccanismi misteriosi che producono colpetti di piacevole pressione, a sorpresa, su varie parti del corpo, soprattutto schiena e gambe.

Ma sono i treni che sono impressionanti. Arrivano puntuali, a pochissimi minuti l'uno dall'altro, e all'avvicinamento di ogni convoglio il relativo numerino sul tabellone diventa prima giallo poi verde e via giù tutti al binario a mettersi in fila ordinata davanti al punto, preciso al centimetro, dove è indicato che ci saranno le porte quando il missile si sarà fermato.

All'arrivo prendiamo le camere nel bell'albergo Pan Pacific costruito nelle mura della città vecchia, fa parte dell'antica muraglia adesso, dormiamo dentro un pezzo di storia.

E poi via nel giardino/museo Pan con la torre di Ruiguang, adiacente, con la carta magnetica della stanza l'ingresso è gratuito. Tipico giardino cinese, rigorosamente dotato degli elementi essenziali che ogni giardino deve avere: uno o più ponti, una pagoda o a volta una struttura architettonica alternativa, una roccia con cascata d'acqua in un lago, (i pesci rossi nel lago sono un optional quasi obbligatorio) e molti fiori, tra i quali non manca mai il loto nel lago.

13 September 2018

Shanghai Museum of Music Boxes and opulent lunch


A remarkable personal collection, about 120 years old, now open to the public.

It is not among the most widely advertised attractions of this megacity, but it is well worth looking for in the Science and Technology Museum in Pudong.

music box museum we'd been told in Singapore, similar size but the experience is not as good. the young lady doing hourly tours does not know much, looks bored and cuts corners in her presentation. Here is a video of our visit.


We can also admire a 1750 "first": a singing birdcage, where an air pump pushes air through a flute to imitate a bird's singing. The bird has been constructed accurately, 250 parts in all, and covered in real feathers!

Some drawings and projects of music boxes complete the collection.

Too bad the museum is left in the hands of a bored and boring girl who makes a dull presentation, what a contrast with the enthusiastic older man who showed us the Singapore museum!

Today's lunch is at the "Ark" restaurant 2nd floor of a grey concrete building, like many others. Restaurants in China are often not at the ground level, like in Europe, but higher up. Someone told me it is because Chinese patrons like having their own private room, only for themselves and their friends, away from the prying eyes of others. And of course no windows on the streetside! 

(On the other hand, doctors’ and dentists’ practices are often at the ground level, with large windows so that anyone passing by can almost literally look straight into the mouth of a patient while a tooth is being drilled.) 

Large samples of Shanghainese cuisine, meat, and seafood, not spicy but intense flavors. 

A few memories from the huge menu ordered by Qinlong: Shanghai baby eels, garlic oil pepper spring onion, fried fish, turnip, pork ribs, crab meet with crab roe, in whole orange with orange pulp and prawn,

Then, shanghai bun with sweet minced pork and crab and a pot of chicken, ginger, leek, with chicken stock lept warm in a pot on live fire which the waitress placed smack in the middle of our table.

Following the above, asparagus with Tofu and "century egg", a chicken egg that smells from a kilometer away after it has been treated and "aged" for not quite a century but a few weeks and up to month or two.

All washed down with a drink of fermented sweet potatoes, rice and barley, just 11 abv, easy on the palate and well paired with the food. 

I still preferred a mildly bitter but round and consistent local beer. 

This was quite a treat by Qinlong, and although he is not a local in Shanghai by any means, he is from Leiyang like Carrie, but he works here and therefore considers it a sacrosanct duty to treat us to impress us. But I am sure he is genuine, he likes us and we like him, that was clear at his wedding a few months ago.

A walk in the beautiful "Century Park Garden" ends the afternoon with warm sunset rays that pierce through the thick branches of the tall trees near Century Square near the metro stop where we will catch a train to the hotel. 

Short walk to a subway station nearby, I have to be careful with electric motorcycles, can't hear them coming! All motorcycles in Shanghai are electric haven't seen a single petrol engine on two wheels the whole time since I've arrived in China.

Electrification moving forward fast, they're building a dozen nuclear power plants (half of all those under construction in the world), hydroelectric dams, solar, wind, gas powered plants, and unfortunately still oil and coal powered ones.

The Chinese planners are pretty good at building lots of cement, steel, and glass structures in their new cities but also much green space, and plant many trees all over the place.

Quite a few dogs without a leash, the Chinese are picking up a bad western habit.

Evening at the hotel's spa, we are not hungry after Qinglong's huge lunch and so skip dinner. In the pool, a child is learning to swim, still unusual in China, where most people, including divers, do not know how to swim.

Then we go to the famous Peace Hotel jazz bar and drink a good Belgian beer ! It is an old group made up of old players. They have been playing for 38 years, ie ever since they were allowed to play again after the death of Mao in 1978! 

They play tunes from 1920 and 1930s, with a female vocalist for most of the program. Their sax player is the best, the others look tired, even bored. Some of the music we hear still got energy to it, some less. The bass player is 87 years-old. I am thinking: on one hand it's great he's still got energy but he's really just pinching one or two strings, not moving either hand, his notes are almost imperceptible. Maybe it's time he gave room to a younger player

12 September 2018

Zhujiajiao, un'altra "Venezia" cinese

Today we take the metro from Shanghai for this special village. Good system, the trains run frequently and are comfortable and, unlike the subway stations, are air-conditioned. The ticket one way is 8 Rmb (1 euro) for a longish ride, I did not keep track of time but maybe one hour.

Comfortable and fast ride, only waited a few minutes, trains are quite frequent. One reason the trains are comfortable is that the A/C works well, which cannot be said for the stations where it feels a bit sticky.

While we wait for the trains I notice some lines on the platform, which mark the place where people should stand in a queue to board, after having let passengers get off first. The train comes to a gentle halt a few seconds after a polite voice announces its arrival  in Chinese and English - but it does not say "mind the gap!" No one stays in line, most people rush for the door without worrying about passengers who try to get off. I recall much more disciplined tube riders in Singapore and Hong Kong...

Zhangjiajie is a small village which now lives of tourism, there are myriad restaurants and souvenir shops everywhere, but it does still have a charming atmosphere. And lots of canals, for which is it often referred to as the "Venice of China" One of the Venices of China actually, the most well-known one is Suzhou. How come every town in the world with a few canals has to call itself "Venice"?? Anyway, true to its nickname, there are no cars, not even bikes; just canals and stone bridges.

When we get out of the subway station it's just a short walk to the old village, but an entrepreneurial middle-aged man approached us and offers a ride on his tricycle to "the heart of the town". He expects a tip of course, but this is much less than the cost of the ticket we would have to pay to enter the historic center of town, an attraction in and of itself.

The first thing I notice once we are on our own is gondolas. They are not nearly as elaborate and impressive as those in the real Venice, but still, they do take tourists around the canals for a picturesque view of the village from the water. For a fee of 80 Rmb per boat, not per person, we get less than 10 minutes, a rip-off as bad as the real Venice, luckily we share with 4 others. Never mind.

Of course, like for everything else, Lifang pays for this with her omnipresent and seemingly omnipotent Wechat pay app. She has yet to use cash once since we arrived in China. I am the only one to do so it seems, I feel so old!

Lunch at a quaint restaurant by the water. Lots of different dishes, I loved slightly spicy fresh-water snails and chicken paws.


We don't have an internet connection but the waitress sets up a mobile Hotspot and all Lifang needs to do is to scan the restaurant s bar code and we're done! sometimes a shop will scan her barcode, on her phone, same thing...

Shopping is interesting, we find a small workshop that sells cotton embroidered shoes made by a local shoemaker, 250 Rmb for a pair. Very comfortable and you can only buy them here. he says he does not want to sell online, I wonder why. Maybe he does not have enough to satisfy online demand and cannot scale up. The shoes are pretty, comfortable and affordable.

Dinner by the main bridge. A nice table by the canal. The owner is quite loquacious, he comes over and is quite willing to spend time with us. Perhaps because I seem to be the only tourist around, at least the only non-Chinese tourist. He said the restaurant has been around since 1938, and his family has always lived upstairs. He also worked also during the Japanese occupation. Unline most Chinese I meet to he does not seem to feel much resentment toward Japan. Not anymore anyway.

After the Communist victory in 1949, his family was no longer allowed to run the restaurant as a private enterprise and they all got jobs as workers or employees in the public sector.

in 1998 he lost his job, thought about what to do with the rest of his life, and as he had some money saved away the following year reopened the restaurant in the same location where his father had it before. This is one of the few times we paid with cash, we're offline somehow!

Dinner is big black seashells stuffed with pork, bizarre pairing but it tastes good, a strong flavor yet not spicy! Shoots of water bamboos, fried chicken to complete the menu.

Partly because of the tasty portions that kept landing on my plate, partly because I enjoyed listening to the stories of the owner, and perhaps most of all because of the romantic setting I was enjoying with my wife, especially after they turned on the amber lights of the bridge, suddenly we realized it was getting late and we risked missing the last subway train back to Shanghai.

Easier said than done. It is actually difficult to exit. First, some threatening barking dogs blocked the way to "Exit n. 1", which is the closest to the subway station. Slightly worried, we rushed to "Exit n. 2" on the other side of town but from there we would need a bus to the subway station.

Exit n. 2 was not easy to find. We asked many local people working in the shops for directions, it was the end of the day and business had slowed down, some shops were beginning to shut down. Still, they were all busy with their phones and we had to insist every time to get their attention.

When we finally got out of the old city we waited at the bus station but no bus materialized. By now clearly worried we might have to spend the night here, Lifang asked a couple on an electric motorcycle and they pointed to another bus station a few hundred meters away. When we arrived we're the only passengers for the lonely bus in the empty parking lot, the last of today. The driver sat casually in his office playing with his phone. He said we needed 1 Rmb per person to buy our tickets: cash only! No cards, no Alipay, no Wechat pay. It must be the last place in China to require cash.

Well, we are in luck, I thought, as I pulled a 10 yuan note from my wallet. (Lifang did not have any cash, I think she has not used any in China for the last decade.) But no, the driver does not have any change. I was ready to give him 10 yuan for 2 yuan worth of tickets, of course, just to get out of here, but this would have meant being overcharged by 400% and Lifang would not countenance that option at all.

She ran to the last car in the adjacent parking lot as it was leaving and asked them to change our bill, but they did not have any change either. However, they did give her a 1 yuan coin. She thanked them and pointed her open hand (the Chinese never use the index finger to point at someone or something) to me, and said something along the lines that it would have been nice to take her husband back to Shanghai as well. So the generous car driver gifted us another coin. 

How generous! In my limited experience, the Chinese usually are not so generous. I've never seen anyone giving any change to a beggar in the street. Maybe that's one reason why there are not so many beggars, it's not a good use of their time on the street.

Or on the subway for that matter. When we finally reached the subway and caught the very last train to Shanghai, we saw a musician walking along the train car playing a strange kind of clarinet but no one gave him any money at all.

11 September 2018

Shanghai museum and French concession

An impressive museum, I remember seeing it exactly 20 years ago and it was even more impressive then, maybe because it was new and brimming with cutting edge museum technology.

I remember being amazed by soft lights illuminating ancient calligraphy only when a motion sensor indicated a visitor was in front of the exhibit. At any other time, the display's lights were off, saving energy and, more importantly, helping to preserve the fragile paper and colors.

Lots of priceless pieces from all branches of Chinese art: bronze, painting, calligraphy, porcelain, jade and furniture. A must for any visitor to Shanghai.

Evening at the French concession. At first, it was not easy to find. We got to the general neighborhood by didi and then asked around, but no one knows even when we're walking just next to it.

Some luxury homes reveal themselves inside a gated community, security guards don't pay much attention and we can sneak in to sit down and enjoy the gardens on a bench, eating fruits, and breathing what the atmosphere must have been like a century ago when French administrators and businesspeople lived here.

We later walked around the main area of the concession, with lots of European style pubs and restaurants. Not especially French really. We found it by following the long lines of lamp posts that are reminiscent of Paris, or at least the gas lamps in Paris of 100 years ago as seen in movies.

Most locales have tables outside but almost every patron is a chain smoker so we decide to give it a pass. It's now, of course, mostly Chinese who come here for a drink and a smoke, though still, quite a few foreigners are to be seen.

We ended the evening in a modern bar with a band from the Philippines. A lady vocalist is quite talented and keeps pulling down her short black tube dress that risks revealing her most intimate parts every time she moves her hips with the music.

When she stops playing we try to get a taxis back to hotel but every time they want to overcharge us. There must be a kind of taxi cartel, the same cars keep driving around the block in the hope (certainty?) to pick up a drunk western tourist or expat and charge whatever, without turning on the meter at all. They ask us 100 Rmb (about 12 euro ) and we refuse, it's a total rip off. It's late and there are no didis available, strange...

Lifang proposes to move out a couple of blocks and magically the first taxi that we flag down welcomes with a smile and charges by the meter (25 Rmb). the driver is a fine elderly man, polite and respectful. he says he is ashamed of his colleagues who try to take advantage of foreign clients. taxi drivers stories identical pretty much the world over.